A bio-technologically innovated unique formula produced by mixing botanical products & herbs in scientifically controlled conditions in granular form to give you the optimum output.

Vanvruddhi Granule


  • With basal Application of fertilizer 8kg/Acre
  • Second Application as top dressing 8kg/Acre
  • Third application depending on crop period 8 Kg/Acre
  • ( If crop is > 6 months or perenial crop)
  • Vigorous seedling growth
  • Increase soil microbial activity.
  • Profuse primary and secondary root devlopment
  • Higher nutrient uptake.
  • Better devlopment of grain/fruits/flowers
  • Higher and better quality of produce.
  • Increase size, weight and shining of produce (grain/fruit)
  • Usage In all crops